Oral/Poster Presentations
Guidelines for preparing E-poster
- Prepare your E-posters using MS PowerPoint on a single slide and export to PDF format
- Orientation: Landscape
- On right side corner, mention your NAPTICON registration number
- Font type: Arial/Calibri
- Font size:
- The name authors should be mentioned.
- Mention affiliation of presenting author and the name of the presenter has to be underlined
- Media: Images/photos, graphs, and tables can be included in the poster.
- Mention EC approval No., conflict of interest, & acknowledgement if applicable and 1-2 references
- Printed posters will not be entertained
- Label the document as follows: Your initial name/poster/registration no (eg-Amit/poster/1005).
- Time allotted for presentation:5 minutes [3 mins (presentation) + 2 mins (Q & A.)]
Guidelines for preparing E-posterGuidelines for preparing PPT for oral presentation
- Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) of not more than 10 slides (excluding the introductory and thank you slides)using a 4:3 standard slide setting.
- In the first slide, mention logo of presenter’s institution and logo of NAPTICON 24; Title of the study followed by names and affiliations of contributors.Underline and bold the name of presenting author.
- Font type: Arial/Calibri
- Font size:
- Lines per slide preferably should not exceed 8.
- Use high contrast color- Dark text on a light background.
- Use of presentation tools like figures, charts, tables, etc. is recommended.
- Mention ethics committee approval in methodology if applicable.
- Mention conflict of interest, and acknowledgement if applicable, and references at the end of presentation
- Label the document as follows: Your initial name/oral/registration no (eg-Amit/oral/1005).
- Time allotted for presentation:8 minutes[6 mins (presentation)+ 2 mins (Q & A.)]